Subject: Top Speakers to address Sexual Abuse, Trauma and the Correlation Between Abuse and Alcohol and Drug Dependence at March 24th It Happens to Boys Conference in Austin, Texas.
For Immediate Release Contact: Carol Teitelbaum 760-346-4606
The Ninth Annual “It Happens to Boys” Conference to Address Critical Issues Including Sexual Abuse, Trauma and Addiction
Austin, Texas – January 31, 2017 – The Arbor and Creative Change Conferences will present The Ninth Annual ‘It Happens to Boys” Conference on Friday, March 24, 2017 at the Westin at The Dominion in Austin, Texas. Previously held in Palm Springs, California, this acclaimed educational event will feature top speakers in the fields of sexual abuse, trauma, addiction recovery, rage, and family dynamics.
In a recent Sober World article, author and Creative Change Conferences founder Carol Teitelbaum; LMFT notes that one in four boys will be sexually abused by the age of 18. Yet incidents often go unreported until much later when, as adults, these men come forward after hiding their secrets in shame for many years. Many of these men experience lifelong depression and spiraling behaviors that may result in shattered relationships, substance addictions, despondency, and suicide. A must for men and women, our society has neglected this epidemic too long, resulting in untreated male survivors to express suppressed feelings as rage, road rage, domestic violence, child abuse, drug and alcohol dependence costing our society billions of dollars a year.
Conference speakers will address these issues and many more. Speakers include:
John Lee, Men’s Movement pioneer and best-selling author of The Flying Boy;
Jerry Moe, Director of Children’s Programs at the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, California;
Rev. Leo Booth, A Unity Minister, International speaker, and author on all aspects of spirituality and recovery from depression addictions, compulsive behaviors and low self esteem.
Harry Haroutunian, M.D, Past Physician Director of the Betty Ford Center and internationally known speaker on the topic of addictive disease and its treatment Author of Staying Sober
Dr. Cindy Carter, Assistant Provost Fresno Pacific University, founder of the experiential Playback Theater;
Carol Teitelbaum, LMFT, Founder of Creative Change Conferences and the It Happens to Boys Program, helping men and teen boys come forward, tell their story and find healing
Four Courageous Male Survivors, Robert Teitelbaum, Randy Boyd, Daniel Marquez, and Scott Smith will share their stories of healing.
Therapists, social workers, physicians, nurses, recovery counselors, abuse and addiction survivors and their families, and the general public are encouraged to attend this outstanding educational symposium. Continuing education credits.
Conference details and online registration are available online at
About Creative Change Conferences
Creative Changes Conferences was founded in 2006. A division of Palm Springs TheatreSports, Inc., a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. The organization is dedicated to presenting top-caliber educational workshops, helping create a healing community.
About Creative Change Conferences Founder Carol Teitelbaum
Carol Teitelbaum, MFT, has been a licensed therapist since 1985. Carol is also past Co-Chair of Prevent Child Abuse, Riverside County and the It Happens to Boys Project; and President of CAMFT, Desert Chapter. She also serves as the Trauma Response Coordinator for the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, Desert Chapter, and speaks at several conferences throughout the year.
